Dawn & Veriun‘s Wedding

Chiseled out of a natural rock outcropping, there seems to be a timeless quality, an enchantment, about this hallowed sanctuary dedicated to the wilderness. Woodland scenes are intricately engraved in the white stone walls. Tendrils of ivy creep through the open archway and climb the walls creating a living border around each carving. Rustic stone benches stand before an exquisite silverwood altar, surrounded by the pale white blooms of niphredil. A spring gushing from under a rock cascades down a stepped waterfall of carefully positioned stones into a small gurgling pool at the foot of this sunlit glade. High overhead, in a canopy of tree branches, a pair of love birds warble softly. The earth feels moist and springy underfoot and the air is thick with the rich fragrance of soft green and white blooms, nestled gracefully amongst wandering vines. A board entangled with vines and flowers to blend it into the surroundings. Near the opening of this wonder of elven magics you notice a small sign. Carved in elegant elven script it reads: Welcome to the union of Veriun and Dawn

Cecil is here with a colorful parrot named Suramble.

Dawn is here with a daughter named Violet.

Kain is here with a Adopted elven sister named Gwen.

Relic is here.

Veriun is here with a mechanical tiger named Ortheon.

Dawn is a avian and seems to be a seamstress . Dawn is wearing white wedding-gown on her body, ivy garland on her head, diamond-tear earring on her left ear, diamond-tear earring on her right ear, lovers pendant on her neck, red-rose bouquet on her hands, white-laced stockings on her legs, and white bridal-slippers on her feet. On one of her left fingers, you see diamond ring. On one of her right fingers, you see delicate-crystal engagement-ring. Dawn is unarmed. Dawn is not using a shield. Dawn has icy blue eyes, Porcelain skin, and white hair, and is single.

Veriun is a ancient avian and seems to be a strider. Veriun is wearing white dress-shirt on his body, crystal earring on his left ear, onyx earring on his right ear, black tie on his neck, gold cufflinks on his left wrist, gold cufflinks on his right wrist, black dress-trousers on his legs, and formal black-boots on his feet. On one of his left fingers, you see delicate-crystal engagement-ring. On one of his right fingers, you see ring-of-cold resistance. Veriun is unarmed. Veriun is not using a shield. Veriun has red eyes, dark skin, and white hair, and is single

Dawn action : was waiting just out of site of the short walk between herself and her soon-to-be husband. Her heart hammering against her ribs make her feel a little light head. As she Makes unnecessary adjustments to her beautiful handmade wedding gown. The avainess had never felt so nervous in her life. slowing turning her wide eyes to the beaming dwarf at her side. looking her brother up and down with a weak smile " shall we Kain?" squeaking the words. As she links a arm around the dwarf outstretched one. The other being occupied by her bouncing daughter. Watching her mother with a childish grin on her chuddy face. Dressed in an adorable blue silk dress and matching slippers waving a rose (with the thrones off) in her little fist ' I think Violets ready" the bride says with a smile. Casting an affectionate glace at her daughter. guided by Kain, the little party steps out onto the aisle. A pink blush creeping over the brides pale cheeks, of course Dawn could be counted on to be a blushing bride. While her eyes search ahead, falling on Veriun waiting for her at the alter along with Myrall. The avainess breath caching in her throat. As a radiant smile spreads over her face at the site of him. He looked so incredibly hansom, to her anyway. Gripping Kain arms tightly to stop herself from running headlong down the aisle. They doth begin walking towards the alter, to slow it seemed to the avainess. until finally they come to a stop and Kain had place her hand into Veriuns.

Kain action : , his usually wild hair slicked back and beard braided smartly, smiles, nodding to Veriun, then stepping to one side. Gwen, who hadn't been seen in months, was dressed for the occasion as well, in a shimmering green dress trimmed with winter wolf fur, and her blonde hair was done up in a tight braid. She smiled and blushed, feeling somewhat out of place, but happy as well

Veriun action : turns slightly, making himself face his approaching bride. a wide smile on his face, for once with obivious reason and meaning. this was none of his strange dualistic expression. it was a normal, joyfull smile upon seeing the woman he loved. recieving the hand held out too him, then making more or less no further motion. seeming just a tad confused due to the lack of knowledge what was expected of him now

Myrall waits patiently for the bride and her escort to walk to the altar, then smiles softly at the couple. Then with the merest of nods to them both she begins. “You have all gathered here this night to witness the joining of Dawn and Veriun in matrimony. The is both a joyous celebration of their love and a solemn and binding ceremony, so before I charge them with repeating the vows that will see their lives inextricably interwoven from this day onwards, I must in accordance with our laws and customs first ask this of them both. She twists her head slightly to face the groom. “Sir, do you come here this night of your own free will and volition with the intention of taking this woman as your bride?”

Veriun say : why yes, i do

Myrall dips her head slightly, acknowledging his response before switching her attention to the bride. “And you M’lady? Do you also come here this night of your own free will and volition with the intention of taking this man as your husband?”

Dawn action : smiles her hand resting snugly in Veriuns palm where kain had placed it not moments before. She herself wasn't sure on what to be expect of her. Though the bride had been to her friends wedding once before, the avainess had never had the chances to experiences her own wedding.. until now. At the priestess words Her eyes reluctantly leave his face to settle upon her. " indeed. I came here to take this man as my husband. Mind body and soul" flicking her gaze back to Veriuns face once again as quickly as the had left.

Myrall this time nods quite deliberately. “Excellent.” She then lets her gaze wander to the dwarf standing next to the bride, not one known to her, her brow furrows slightly as she seeks to put a name to the face, but no name comes so shaking her head slightly, and making a mental note to seek him out another time and rectify the matter, the dwarfess asks “And you my good man, do you give this woman to this man, and if so by what authority?”

Kain action : nods, taking a half-step forward. "In lieu of a father, I, Kain Shannarra, eldest adopted brother of the bride, do give her to wed the avian Veriun, with my fullest blessing and support." He then steps back with a smile and a nod to the bride and groom.

Myrall once more inclines her head in acknowledgement. “As I have already said this is an occasion of great celebration, as well as solemnity, for it will see the lives of these to people spliced together not only in the eyes of our gods, but under the laws of these lands. From this night and forever more they shall no longer tread the path of their lives alone, but shall have upon the journey a constant companion, one who I trust shall be friend, lover, confidant and conscience. To be a life partner is not only one of the most rewarding things that a person can commit to, but also one of the most demanding, and because of this I feel that it is only right that I give both bride and groom the chance to tell their beloved of the love that is in their hearts at this moment. So that in the days, months and years to come, they may think back to this moment and remember that they are not alone and that they are truly loved.” The woman looks once more to the groom first. “Sir, is there aught you wish to say to your bride so that she may know of your love for her?”

Veriun action : raises and looks a tad surprised. obviously he was not informed of this custom. a self ironic smile appearing on his face "i had forseen something happening without me being informed. i did not know of this custom and must therefor be excused if i do not have a well versed speech." he says in a slightly amused voice befure shaking his head slightly "actually. it does not matter. i would not have prepared one would i have known eighter." he chuckles and looks back at Dawn with a wide smile. "is there anything i wish to say? what would -wish- to say would prolong beyond the time we have here. what i -need- to say is nothing, it is all obvious. what i will say is simple. i love her. she makes me happy. i ask, need nor want nothing more then that."

Myrall’s eyes crease slightly as she smiles. “Sir, that you love her is reply enough.” She then looks Dawn. “And of you I ask the same, is there aught you wish to say so that your groom might know of what is in your heart at this time?”

Dawn action : looks a little taken back at his rather short answer. Only for a second though, feeling a little embarrass now. she taking his free hand, squeezing it gently before holding it up against her cheek. gently trailing a finger along his jaw line with a smile that could melt even the iciest of hearts. Nerves clawing at her insides, ignoring the turmoil going on inside her. The avainess speaks slowly and calmly to her love " Veriun, I started writing my vowels to tell you how much you mean to me. Only I kept coming up short, I realised that there isn't any words wrother enough to descried how I feel about you. You brought light into my dark world, showed me love that I thought I would never find again. Now I'm about to become your wife and soon the mother of your child." placing one hand on a small but noticeable bulge between her hips "I still can't believe it. You take my breath away ever time I see you. " lifting her hand again to wipe away a flow of tears" my life won't exist without you in it Veriun Ze'thra. My love will never die."

Kain action : smiles and quietly draws his blade, raising it straight up and giving it two light twirls in a tight circluar motion, then sheathes it with a smile and a light nod toward Cecil.

Cecil action : at kains signal, cecil takes to the sky. Carrying with-him a net of roses. Semi-high up he lets them all fall. Taking out a flute he plays it. With a graceful tune, the flowers spread out. blue, red, white, Frost-fire, Ice-Blue, and long-stemmed roses spread throught the glade. His enchanting melody causing them to float around the two in a beautiful spril motion. Once his song is done they fly about the glade and fall to the ground.

Myrall now withdraws a small pouch from her cloak pocket, and empties the contents into her palm, re-pocketing the pouch she stretches out her hand so the couple can see the rings that now nestle is her palm. “These rings are the ones you shall soon wear as both the outward symbol of your love and as reminder of the vows you are about to swear to each other. They are, like love its self, perfect in their symmetry, seamless and without end. The woman hands the first ring to Veriun. “Sir, please place this ring on Dawn’s finger and repeat these words: I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment to you and our life together, and with it I swear myself to you in body mind and soul, from now until the end of time.”

You gave 1 Twisted Spider-Silk Wedding-Band to Veriun.

Veriun action : nods as he recievs the ring and lifts his brides hand, upon the finger of which he puts the ring. reciting the words as told "I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment to you and our life together, and with it I swear myself to you in body mind and soul, from now until the end of time."

Relic action : watched, his emotionless face remained monotone, but out of respect he did remove his hat, the tall vampire stood watching quietly from the shadows of the white stone wall

Myrall next , carefully, gives the other ring to Dawn. “M’lady, might I ask you to place this ring on your beloved’s finger and repeat these words: I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment to you and our life together, and with it I swear myself to you in body mind and soul, from now until the end of time.”

Dawn action : grasps with surprise delight at the sudden bright shower of rose. Now floating gently towards the ground around them. Giving kain, Cecil and her daughter quick adoring smiles. she glances down at the ring now nestled on her finger the smile on her face winding even more. Focusing on the priestess now addresses her with the same request. swallowing hard, The avianess nod to the priestess as she takes the ring carefully in her thumb and finger. Holding it out in front of them to repeat her word with a quivering voice " I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment to you and our life together, and with it I swear myself to you in body mind and soul, from now until the end of time." " lifting his right hand to slip the band on to his middle finger of his right hand.

Dawn holds out her hands, palms skywards as she draws in a deep breath and prepares to conclude the ceremony. “Dawn and Veriun, you have now both sworn the oath of commitment, and exchanged rings as laid down by our laws, so it now only falls to me to call upon the gods to bless your union, and ask that they grant you a long and happy life together.” She bows her head as if in prayer and is silent for a few moments. Then, as she lifts her head, her eyes smiling with happiness she raises her voice so that all might clearly hear. “It now gives me the greatest of pleasure to declare you to be man and wife. Sire, you may now kiss your bride.”

Veriun action : nods approvingly, smiles at Myrall, his (as of now) wife and the crowd and then does indeed kiss the bride

Kain action : smiles, and chuckles lightly as Gwen gathers up some of the roses and begins making a circlet for Violet. Having spent the last several days helping Kain remove all the thorns from the hundreds of roses, she knew it was safe, and Violet squeeled in delight at the flowers twirling down all around, clapping happily and babbling away at her young elven 'aunt' as Gwen placed the circlet on her tiny head.

Dawn action : waiting impatiently for the Dwarfess to finish her binding words. She throughs her arms, bouquet and all, around Veriun neck. As she goes to kiss her. Parting her lips to eagerly to return his kiss with unrestrained passion. Forgetting completely that there was others present including a baby " I love you " she whispers, pulling back to gaze at him with a look that echoed the love in her heart.

Veriun action : laughs happily at dawn. in a good way, mind you! and smiles widely whispering back "if i did not before, i certainly must love you now, no?"

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