Moonlight Sky

Name: Moonlight Sky
Rank: Chief Peacemaker/Sergent Peacekeeper
Race: Wind Fae
Class: Druidic Apostle of Peace 
Short Description: 
Moonlight is of sound mind or as close as she can be. She is happy and always full of peace and love for others. Most often she can be found on the Hill of Peace for that is her home. She is never with out her children. They are known as “Hollow's tiny terror squad.” She is a healer by nature, but never to be taken lightly. She feels like there is something wrong with her because no mate stays for long. WARNING: Loves to bite, and her children love to play pranks on anyone that will give them time.

(*~Warning: Reading this bio may cause brain hemorrhaging and death~*)

Full Name: ~Moonlight Sky

Age: ~Forever 21

Race: ~Elf size Pixie [*with an attitude to match*]

Class: ~Druidic Apostle of Peace

Clan: ~Apostle of Peace

Height: ~Changeable

Weight: ~Up to 98 lbs in Elf Form

Homeland: ~Enchantment

Marriage Status: ~Happy to be Single~


Mother: ~Lady Luz
[*Dead, yet her Spirit covers me in loving peace*]

Father: ~King Sky [*Dead, yet always looks over me*]

Twin Sister: ~Sunbeam [*Dead, yet her spirit is always with me.*]

Baby Sister: ~Haven [*Out of love Moonlight's mother sends Haven to be with her big sister. Now reunited they are both overjoyed as their bound grows into a powerful magic.*]

**Close friends**

Syrus: ~Closest comrade and friend, back from the dead

Charlotte: ~The one I adore the most

Doel: ~The Mighty Gold Dragon. My fishing buddy

Daron: ~The shy and sweet paladin

Harle: ~My witty lovable friend

Lord Light: ~Snuggles [*nuff said*]

Quain: ~Long time friend

Riotka: ~Likes to tease with me

Kayla: ~Your the Best!

Sydd: ~My Cookie









Kooshka Ixen Losvir

Guáwysvern Krikvlic ~Better known as Tear~


Princess Unicorn: ~Miracle

Prince Unicorn : ~Magic

Shadow Familiar: ~Moons Shadow

Lich: ~Namu [*made by SySy*]

Mouse: ~Muncher

Lion: ~Aslan [*My Dear Friend Kaykay*]

Snow Leopard: ~Beauty

Wyvern: ~George [*Left to her by Syrus when he passed*]

~[she is proud of or portable Zoo]~

**Custom Armor**

Top Hat of Silence: ~Dispels any and all mental magic upon the user.

Spell-resistant sphere: ~It reduces magical energy by 50%.

**Moonlight's Biography**

Some would say: To describe Moonlight would be impossible even for the master of the written word. Though I shall try….

The quiet type that keeps to her self lest one seek her out you might not ever cross her path. Quick witted when she needs to be and has been know to have fun. Not one to be taking too lightly though she has a kind spirit and soul she will not refrain from standing up for what she believes is right. But you may never know if any of this is true unless you get to know her for your self.


Moonlight is a Elf size pixie for the most part but can change size at will. She has very long Shiny Auburn Red hair that catches the moon beautifully. As her light creamy peach skin is silky to the touch and glows when she is happy. Her glittering emerald green eyes turn colors like her wings as her feelings show through them. Her slender body is what calls to your eyes as it moves with the grace of a butterfly. And her breath taking beauty shows that she is as beautiful as the Moon itself. This is more evident now that she has been marvelously and beautifully restored with the help and love of her dear friends.

**Mastered skills**



Druidic Elements [*Fire, Lightning, Wind, Water, Earth, Shadows*]

Other Magics: [*Pixie Magic, Shape Shifting*] Name of Pic at the bottom: ~Hunting the Dawn~ Link: Artist: `Anathematixs If you Know the artiest for the pic at top PLEASE let me know so I can give credit!!
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